Saturday, October 8, 2011

Movable Type and Google Plus authorship

I found the instructions for linking authorship to your Google+ profile:
I'm trying to get this to work in Movable Type, but so far either my page is not getting indexed, or I'm doing it wrong. These are the instructions I followed:
  • Edit your Movable Type profile so that your Website URL is your Google+ profile page. You don't have to add ?rel=author at the end of the URL; that will be done below.
  • Choose Design->Templates and edit Archive Templates->Entry:
  • Find the byline. In my template it looks like this:
By <span class="vcard author"><$mt:EntryAuthorLink show_hcard="1"$></span> on <abbr class="published" title="<$mt:EntryDate format_name="iso8601"$>">
  • Insert the following markup in an appropriate place; I've inserted it directly after the <$mt:EntryAuthorLink> element:
<a href="<$mt:EntryAuthorURL$>?rel=author">Google+</a>
  • Now go back to Design Templates and edit Template Modules->Entry Summary. Repeat the same steps as above.
If you follow these instructions (which produces HTML which seems to match the requirements of authorship), and you're successful, please leave me a comment and let me know...

Update: I've moved to Blogger, and it will soon have Google+ profile integration, so I'm not as motivated to figure this out. If anyone else figures it out, please feel free to post a comment.

Update2: I've found out how to find out if your rel=author link will work. There's a Rich Snippets Testing Tool that tells you about authorship for a specific page. I tried that page and it said my Movable Type page is "Verified: Authorship markup is correct for this page." But it still doesn't show up in search results, because my blog probably isn't interesting enough to be included yet...

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