Saturday, October 8, 2011

Movable Type and Google Plus authorship

I found the instructions for linking authorship to your Google+ profile:
I'm trying to get this to work in Movable Type, but so far either my page is not getting indexed, or I'm doing it wrong. These are the instructions I followed:
  • Edit your Movable Type profile so that your Website URL is your Google+ profile page. You don't have to add ?rel=author at the end of the URL; that will be done below.
  • Choose Design->Templates and edit Archive Templates->Entry:
  • Find the byline. In my template it looks like this:
By <span class="vcard author"><$mt:EntryAuthorLink show_hcard="1"$></span> on <abbr class="published" title="<$mt:EntryDate format_name="iso8601"$>">
  • Insert the following markup in an appropriate place; I've inserted it directly after the <$mt:EntryAuthorLink> element:
<a href="<$mt:EntryAuthorURL$>?rel=author">Google+</a>
  • Now go back to Design Templates and edit Template Modules->Entry Summary. Repeat the same steps as above.
If you follow these instructions (which produces HTML which seems to match the requirements of authorship), and you're successful, please leave me a comment and let me know...

Update: I've moved to Blogger, and it will soon have Google+ profile integration, so I'm not as motivated to figure this out. If anyone else figures it out, please feel free to post a comment.

Update2: I've found out how to find out if your rel=author link will work. There's a Rich Snippets Testing Tool that tells you about authorship for a specific page. I tried that page and it said my Movable Type page is "Verified: Authorship markup is correct for this page." But it still doesn't show up in search results, because my blog probably isn't interesting enough to be included yet...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

iOS 4.3.x wifi unresponsive after x minutes of use

I have a network setup with an Airport Extreme base station, and a second wired bridge access point with the exact same SSID, key, etc., that's running DD-WRT v24-sp2.
With my iPad 2 with iOS 4.3.3 and 4.3.5, my wifi connection won't work after x minutes of use. It looks like it's connected: icon is good, IP address is good, but no traffic. Turning wifi off and then back on instantly repairs the connection.
However, it always works when I'm close to the Airport Extreme.
I filed this bug with Apple a while ago, and they've asked for more information, but haven't fixed it yet. I wonder if anyone else has this issue...